A team collage to practise spring vocabulary, colours and celebrate spring!

B1 B2 Spring is here 1

B1 B2 Spring is here 2

B1 B2 Spring is here 3  B1 B2 Spring is here 4

B1 B2 Spring is here 5  B1 B2 Spring is here 6



Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ποίησης μαθητές και μαθήτριες του Ε΄1 Τμήματος έγραψαν τα δικά τους ποιήματα και στη συνέχεια τα ζωγράφισαν.

Ποίηση 1

Ποίηση 2

Ποίηση 3

Ποίηση 4

Ποίηση 5

Ποίηση 6

Ποίηση 7

Ποίηση 8

Ποίηση 9

We learned parts of the face and we made colorful clown face puzzles!! Happy Carnival!

clown face puzzles1

clown face puzzles2

clown face puzzles3

clown face puzzles4




Α1 και Α2: "Nelly the small caterpillar." We listened to the story, played with the story cards and re created the story ourselves. We talked about the life cycle of a butterfly and worked in groups to make it using natural materials.

We wrote letters to Santa and made  Christmas cards! Merry Christmas!

letters 5

letters 6

letters 7